Concrete finlock guttering specialists RMA Roofing provide Finlock concrete gutter refurbishment and replacement services in Hampshire. Industrial and commercial gutter lining specialists.

Intoduction - About Our Business

RMA Roofing provide Concrete Gutter Lining for commercial and domestic properties alike. Concrete gutters including Finlock concrete gutters will start to break down after around 30 years plus. These types of gutters were commonly used in building construction in and around the 1960's and 1970's. Water eventually finds it's way through the mortared joints and in most cases water seeps behind the concrete gutter causing damp inside your rooms.

David Wiltshire heads up RMA Roofing Ltd. For over 25 years plus we have been trading, covering may types and styles of roofing projects ranging from aircraft hangars, wind tunnels, sea going containers, large flat roofed housing blocks.

In 1992 RMA Roofing undertook extensive repairs and works to the prestigious stately headquarters of I.B.M. Hursley House. In addition we have carried out works on a problem roof at the Slough Tennis Centre for Slough Borough Council, and badly corroded internal metal gutters on a laundry unit for Wintex in Winchester.

All our installations carry an Insurance Backed Ten Year Guarantee and a Fifteen Year Guarantee is available subject to conditions, many local surveyors in Hampshire recommend our treatment as well as a number of high profile national practices.



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